Office-to-Residential Conversions Just Got Easier in Downtown San Francisco
New San Francisco legislation that modifies the planning code to remove barriers for office-to-housing conversions.

California’s $400 Million Office-To-Housing Conversion Fund: Grants for Financial Feasibility
As the demand for housing continues to rise and urban landscapes evolve in the state of California, the potential of …

Office Conversion to Residential: Why Class C Office Buildings are the First Step to Reviving Downtowns
The conversion of offices to residential buildings in San Francisco has been a topic of discussion amid the pandemic and …

California’s Zoning Holiday: What to know about the Builder’s Remedy
Looking to submit a Builder’s Remedy Application, reach out to us today!

San Francisco Fourplex Ordinance
The San Francisco Fourplex Ordinance allows property owners to build fourplexes on single-family lots and up to six units on corner lots citywide.

2022 California Housing Legislation Highlights – Redefining Housing Development throughout the State
An in-depth look at the recent housing legislations passed in California.

Project Spotlight: Victoria’s House Rehabilitation Center
A detailed look at Victoria’s House where OpenScope renovated two Victorians into transitional housing for those in need.

Assembly Bill 2011 (AB 2011): Using Commercial Corridors to Address California’s Housing Crisis
Assembly Bill 2011 allows for infill housing on commercial-zoned land.

State Density Bonus Law — Adding Units to Multifamily Properties
Used as an effective mechanism to tackle California’s housing crisis, the Density Bonus Law serves as an incentive for developers to offer both market-rate and affordable housing in order to address the State’s severe housing shortage.

We’re Hiring!
We are seeking an intermediate designer or architect with strong graphic and problem solving skills for an immediate opening.