THINKING: construction projects
Prop H San Francisco Success Story: Replenish Grocers

Our Prop H success story features a new small business in San Francisco. Replenish Grocers was looking to open and needed a space to operate its low-waste sustainable grocery. Erika Gliebe, the owner, found the perfect spot in the North Beach neighborhood of San Francisco. OpenScope Studio was excited to partner with Replenish Grocers and design their new space which includes a mix of custom-designed (in-house) product display shelving and manufactured bulk furniture systems.
Local Businesses + Permitting Process Delays
Our team recognized the current permitting process delays with the City—taking months from start to finish to complete the process. In order to try to limit the amount of time Replenish Grocers would be waiting for a permit, at the end of September 2020, we immediately signed up for the first-available over-the-counter permit appointment which was February 1st, 2021.
Like so many other new businesses looking to open in San Francisco, the permitting process could have created a four month delay for Replenish Grocers. However, our team knew the City of San Francisco passed Prop H in November and was hopeful that the new system could expedite the process.
Proposition H: Save Our Small Businesses Initiative
What is Prop H?
Recognizing the need for an immediate solution, Proposition H (or Prop H) expedites the permit approval process and relaxes zoning controls for a variety of businesses in Neighborhood Commercial (NC) and Neighborhood Commercial Transit (NCT) districts. This was in response to the challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in excessive permitting delays. The process, at the time, presented a significant barrier to entry for small businesses looking to open. Typically the permitting process involves steep fees, complex codes and regulations and takes at least a year to execute. During that time, the owner is paying rent on their space but unable to utilize it.
Prop H requires that the City of San Francisco complete their review of permit applications that lie within the NC and NCT districts within 30 days.
Supported by SPUR, Prop H is likely to:
- Increase the City’s business tax revenue
- Allow for greater flexibility for existing and new businesses
- Address the ongoing challenges with the City’s permitting and approval process—streamlining the process
Utilizing Prop H to Expedite the Permitting Process
Days prior to the beginning of February and our over-the-counter appointment scheduled months in advance, the Prop H website went live allowing for permit applications to be submitted electronically. Working together with Erika, OpenScope was one of the first to submit an application and drawings for a Prop H permit.

From the day our team submitted plans to the Building Department to the day we received an electronic job card and stamped approval, we had a permit in just under 6 weeks, including the Health Department review as well.
Erica, the owner, describes her experience with Prop H: “…as overwhelmingly positive. We received permit approval within 28 business days. I attribute this success to OpenScope Studio as they were quick to act to ensure we submitted our request to be included in the Proposition H permitting process. And through the permitting process, the OpenScope team worked with a sense of urgency to ensure we moved through the process in the most timely manner possible.”

The OpenScope team is extremely pleased that Prop H worked the way that it was intended for this particular project and allowed Replenish Grocers to quickly move through the permit process and get closer to the goal of opening their new space. We are happy to see positive changes in the Building Department that support small businesses especially during such a critical time for our city.
Replenish Grocers, slated to open in summer of 2021, is currently under construction. We are looking forward to browsing the aisles soon!
Client: Replenish Grocers
Engineer: Winston Engineering Inc.
Graphic Design: Amy Design Co.