
OPENSCOPE STUDIO is a California-based architectural practice specializing in smart solutions to complex design problems. Our passion for creating better experiences for people and communities through architecture is matched by our expertise in the practices, regulations, and economics of development and construction. From urban infill development and special needs residences, to park pavilions, commercial interiors, and custom homes—design, craft, functionality and feasibility are the guiding measures of our work. Services details.

We are advocates for livable cities, contributing to the creation of much-needed housing—at a range of affordability—while adding value for property owners. In 2014, we partnered with the San Francisco Planning Department to develop the city’s Accessory Dwelling Unit Handbook, and were subsequently involved in shaping citywide ADU legislation with elected officials. We have special expertise in designing ADUs for urban, multi-family properties and have hundreds of these units in development.

Across projects of every scale and typology, our approach remains the sameby first understanding the technical challenges of a site or program, we uncover opportunities and possibilities.

OpenScope has two locations: one in San Francisco’s Potrero Hill neighborhood and an office in Los Angeles.

OpenScope Studio is a certified San Francisco Local Business Enterprise (LBE) and a State of California Small Business (SB) firm.


Ian Dunn  AIA

Over nearly three decades of practice, Ian has pursued a passion for architecture’s technical facets through an award-winning portfolio of mixed-use developments, civic buildings, educational facilities, custom residences, and multi-family housing. An architect with experience ranging from commercial interiors to a $150 million residential complex, Ian applies expertise in project management, sustainable design, building envelope detailing, and digital modeling to realize thoughtful, efficient solutions at every scale. A focus on people underpins Ian’s work: He fosters relationships with public agencies, contractors, consultants, and clients to shepherd projects from concept through construction.

Prior to founding OpenScope Studio, Ian was an associate at David Baker Architects, where he specialized in sustainable, mixed-use urban developments and affordable housing. He also serves as a senior lecturer at the California College of the Arts, leading studios on architectural design and contemporary issues in urban multi-family housing. A licensed architect in California, Ian holds a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from UC Berkeley and a Masters of Architecture from Columbia University.

Mark Hogan  AIA, LEED BD+C

A founder of OpenScope Studio, architect Mark brings over 20 years of experience focused on housing, sustainable urban design, and housing policy. He is a sought after expert on housing affordability, building code reform, and infill housing policy – helping to inform sound policies at local and state levels as well as contributing to the national discussion. In practice and as a commentator, Mark draws upon his previous role as an associate at David Baker Architects, where his projects included market-rate, affordable, and senior housing developments recognized for their design and innovation.

Mark is a member of  SPUR and the Housing Action Coalition, past Chair of the AIA San Francisco Housing Committee, and was a senior lecturer at California College of the Arts. His articles covering a range of topics have appeared in Curbed, The Urbanist (SPUR’s magazine), The Architect’s Newspaper, CityLab, FutureSpace, and BOOM California. He earned his Masters of Architecture from UC Berkeley after completing a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University at Buffalo.